adam vinueza

adam vinueza

Teaching to learn

If questions aren’t asked in art schools, away from the conservative heat of the art market, where then? If the political responsibility of a cultural reflexivity (why) is not taught along with a knowledge of the history of how artists have made meaning, then we are doomed to be oppressed by our traditions rather than informed by them. The teacher of art, as a teacher and an artist, can do no more than participate with the students in asking the questions. This, rather than attempting to provide the answers as art schools traditionally do, realigns the priorities from the beginning. The first lesson, taught by example, is that what is to he learned is a process of thinking and not a dogma in craft or theory.

Joseph Kosuth, “Teaching to Learn”

I take from this the importance of teaching students how to think, and teaching them not by handing down knowledge, but by asking questions with them.

(Via DesignOpenData, h/t @patrickrhone for linking to Robin Sloan.)